Monday, April 6, 2009

Learn how to save money to starve off debt.

The best defense against debt and finding yourself falling deeper and deeper in your finances is saving money. Saving money is by far the best tool you have at your disposal to achieve financial freedom in your life. Sadly, in the past 50 years the amount of money people have saved has steadily fallen to the point where it is today, where people aren’t saving money anymore, but spending more than they actually have.

The first step towards saving money in your life is to begin making a budget. A budget is what you will use as a guidepost for how much money you can spend. If you make $40,000 a year and you want to save $1,000 per month so that you can build your savings to $12,000 in a year, then you need to budget for it. You need to cut down on your expenses so that you don’t spend into your $1,000. This may not be easy at first, you may find that it can be hard to stick to the budget but it is very important that you do. Before you make the budget, you will have to begin to look at your expenses in detail to find out how much you are spending each month. This will take you a month but it will help ensure that your budget is completely accurate. It will also show you how little costs can add up over time without you realizing it. For example, buying a five dollar latte seven days a week. However, when you add up five dollars by 30 days you find out that you are spending $150 per month on lattes. That amounts to $1,800 per year spent in lattes that you drink for 30 minutes! That is a lot of money and that is $1,800 that you could put in your savings!

You should also look at cutting back on your bills. The less bills that you have, the more money you will have in the bank. Do you need to have cable? Instead of running the air conditioning why not open a window? Instead of turning up the heat, why not just put on a sweater? There are many ways that you can save money on your bills and that helps you save money in the long run. As well, by saving costs on energy bills, you also lower the amount of carbon dioxide that you release into the atmosphere and that helps the environment.

If you want to get rid of your debt and keep it from happening again, then you need to start saving money. Saving money will help you because you can use the saved money to pay off the debt. Once you have used that money to pay off your debts, you can then use it to build a savings. If you can save $12,000 per year, then by ten years of saving money, you will have saved $120,000. Within twenty years that is $240,000. By forty years you will have $480,000. That is a lot of extra money saved and that is a lot of debt eliminated in your life.

If you or anyone else that you know would care for more information regarding this post, feel free to visit

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